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5 Months Groups Journey into your unique self

This course is about you being you.

It’s not about changing or improving. It’s about remembering, discovering and embodying all that you are. 

Your sexuality is part of you. It’s not only a part of you, it's where so much power, passion and pleasure resides.

Getting to know our unique sexual & life energy and feeling safe to express her can be such a liberating and pleasurable experience.

We will dive deep into the unknown, forgotten pain, forgotten pleasure and forgotten longings, to free up what is stagnated.

To free up space, to be able to take up space,

your space.


Are you a woman who loves realness? 

Who knows that there is more inside of her?

Who wants to get to know herself, her sexuality, her power and share her true and full-self with the world?

Are you done with holding back? With playing small? With hiding?

Is there an ache to breathe life in more fully and exhale, and share, more of yourself?

Do you feel that there is a power in your sexuality and you want to get to know her (even more) intimately and be able to express her freely.

Do you yearn to grow, expand, and experience more freedom?

Are you ready to build and expand your capacity to hold pleasure and pain?

Would you like to embark on a journey with a group of women with whom you can share, learn, and provide mutual support?


If your answer is Yes to (m)any of this questions.

You are most welcome!!

" In everything you teach and facilitate you bring a deep wisdom, both learned and also seemingly ancestral. With your authenticity and care you create a space which feels both safe and brave. Your course has resonated in many areas of my everyday, making life seem possible and exciting in ways it is all too easy to forget in our busy world "


Caitlin Webb-Ellis

5 months 5 themes

On the first day, we will lay the foundation for our journey together. Our primary focus will be on creating a sense of safety within the group and connecting to the need for safety within ourselves. What does safety mean to you, and how can you create it for yourself? Safety is the key to openness. From a safe place, we will begin our exploration: What lies beneath the surface, what wants to be seen in your undercurrent? What is alive under the surface? What wants to be seen, and what is hidden but ready to come to light? What are your longings that you may have almost forgotten? These are the central questions of this phase. Additionally, we will address the beliefs you carry about yourself—your body, your sexuality—that linger in the back of your mind, causing pain and holding you back from living life fully. We will bring these beliefs to the surface, gently listen to their painful messages, hold them with compassion and care, and use them to fuel our deepest longings.

This phase will enter the world of feelings and sensations. To explore our senses, our (sexual) pleasure and we will also listen and welcome feelings that we might describe as unpleasant. Pleasure is experienced through the sensing body. When opening for sensory experience it’s evident that we open for all sensations, we can not filter out what we like and don’t like. We will explore our sensuality, listen to the wisdom of our body and create intimacy with ourselves. How can we build stamina to feel, to give presence to our emotions and build our capacity to hold pain and pleasure? Pleasure is our birthright. It can be so easily neglected while I can learn so much from pleasure and pleasurable experiences. We will bring awareness into the lower half of our bodies, which is particularly beneficial, since it not only enlivens the body but also sensitizes us to the pleasure and power we carry in our hips and pelvis.”

What does your relationship to your vagina say about your well-being? I would say, a lot! Our vaginas receive so much shame and hold so much trauma, not only from our own experiences but from generations. When she is relaxed, loved, and deeply cared for, it rewires your entire being and makes space for a more connected and passionate version of yourself. We will explore the mystery and beauty of the female body, including her anatomy, both the physical and energetic aspects. Additionally, we will delve into the female pleasure-body, offered to you as inspiration to discover your own.

Image by Mario Caruso

Life & Flow

Image by Drew Beamer

Vision & Rituals

Life is happening... it might rain more than you like, inflation might go sky-high, your partner might end the relationship. It is outside of your control! We all long for safety, for stability, yet you cannot control life. You can't even control how you feel and what you think; feelings and thoughts are coming to you. The question is: Can you welcome what is? Do you dare to listen to what life wants from you? Where can you free up space and let go? Can you surrender to the flow of life, no pushing, and no stopping but allowing it to guide you? Flowing into trust, not knowing and trusting on a deeper level. It’s about stepping into your essence in life and in sexuality.

This Deep Dive will create space in your life for your deepest longings and your fullest expression, and you will continue to harvest the seeds you planted in the months and years afterwards. This final theme will focus on how to nurture the seeds you planted and how to cultivate your true expression. We will use ritual to integrate all that we learned, discovered, and experienced in the last five months. You can design your own rituals, symbols, and habits to see yourself, celebrate yourself, and be seen by others.

First and foremost, I am a human being, like you and everyone else, with my pain, fear, doubts, and my longings, strength, and passion.

I love "realness"; when there is honesty and transparency, I feel alive and open.

I create spaces where I welcome "humanness," where we can throw off our masks, move beyond politeness, where pain and longings are welcome and where we can mourn and celebrate together, to grow and expand into the fullness that we already are.

I am a mother of two wonderful girls whom I love with all my heart and being. My relationships are the most important in my life. At the base the relationship with myself (and the universe). Investing in myself and the relationships with people close to me makes my life worth living.

I have been facilitating groups since 2010 and teaching Nonviolent Communication (NVC) since 2018.

I also teach together with my partner Bonno Lange courses for couples on "How to manifest the potential of the couple" under the name "The Art of Making Love."

My mission is: To support myself and others to  embrace life fully and become vibrantly alive.

My journey: I was 25 when I thought sex was not really for me, that I was not a sexual person. I believed I could live without it. Looking back now, that couldn't be further from the truth! I was rather shut down and not feeling much at all. Over time, I became skilled at suppressing my pain, and by doing so, I was also suppressing my capacity to feel anything. When I encountered the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, it was a relief—a moment of clarity where I understood what I was looking for and missing: a connection with myself and the divine. I immersed myself in the mystical and poetic aspects of life found in meditation, chanting, and prayers. I established a connection with my soul and started to inhabit my body more and more. In 2012, I discovered Nonviolent Communication; it provided me with concrete tools on how to integrate everything I experienced on my yoga mat into daily life. It taught me how to live love, care, and compassion in day-to-day situations, even when it seemed least possible. It also taught me how to feel and how to listen to my fear and self-judgments, understanding how they were attempting to care for me (in a very tragic way). As I started to feel more, and my capacity grew to be with both pain and pleasure, I became sensually and sexually alive. This transformation inspired me to harness sexual energy as a means to cultivate love and aliveness. From that moment, I dedicated myself to supporting others in truly listening—to themselves and to others—beyond right and wrong, on the level of universal longings, where we can cultivate compassion and create a world that works for everyone. And although my life is not perfect, and the road is not easy (I find following my truth vulnerable and scary at times!), I can now say I increasingly love myself, and I feel at home in my body. I've come a long way, having suffered from an eating disorder from the age of 16 to 26. I celebrate the connection with my daughters and their father (we are not partners anymore). I engage in work I love, and I have a relationship beyond my wildest dreams—“just” by listening to myself and following my deepest longings. In this course, I will offer my intuition, my experience, and tools. Above all, I will provide a sacred space of listening, empathy, and presence where you can hear your truth, wisdom, and creativity


"I really like being with Marije because to me she radiates softness and empathy, as well as strength. Because of this I trust that I can completely let myself fall and be received in gentleness. I trust that Marije will not take the waves that arise for me (in the form of thoughts, feelings) for who I am, so that I feel free to also express the hidden parts of myself. Magical how things then are starting to move, and space is created in myself"

Nonviolent communication

This course is based on the teachings of Nonviolent Communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg.
The NVC material carries an immense invitation for honesty, connection and compassion. Both with ourselves and the people around us.

Is a simple yet very practical tool to speak from our truth and be able to listen to others, also when they say something that is difficult and painful for us.
It provides tools to see humanity in the other, no matter what they do or say. And to let creativity, how to make life more wonderful for everyone, come from a plac
e of effortlessness.


This course is fully embedded in NVC. This course is both open for people with and without experience with NVC. I see NVC not as a linear learning proces, rather I am constantly deepening my understanding and most of all my embodiment.



Why your sexuality matters? Or more precisely: Why I think she matters. Because it’s a source of love, creativity, pleasure and aliveness. 

Do you listen to your Yoni? Do you know her? Do you love her? Our pelvis and breast is an area that we do not naturally have easy contact with, often being covered in layers of shame, generations of suppression. 

Yet our Yoni is a sacred portal to our wisdom, our creativity, vitality and sooo much pleasure. The Yoni is a Sanskrit word not only referring to the vulva and the vagina but also the womb and the breast.

When the vagina is relaxed, loved and cared for, it is a whole new way of relating to yourself, I would say a more connected and a more passionate state, and that will seep into other areas of your life.

The ancient Taoist tradition saw the sexual organs as the center of your health. Taoist tradition also considers the vagina to be a portal to powerful life-force energy that can be used towards attaining whatever you desire.

The Voice

We will use our voice to express what is inside of us that we didn’t choose. The voice, like the breath, is very closely related to our inner world, it’s like a bridge between the inside world and outside world. We will use our voice to make sound to express beyond words. To express deeper layers of ourselves, our truth, our essences. We all have a unique song to “sing”, when we make sound and we are received in it, it amplifies the experience and we give more legitimacy and space to what moves within us. That which can unfold in our expression can unfold in our life.
The voice is very closely related to our vagina, our pelvis, with our voice we can give expression and space to pleasure which enhances and deepens the experience.


Phase 1: To See & Be Seen


Live Day: Saturday 9 November 10:00-17:00

Monday 25 November 19:00 - 20:30 (Online)

Phase 2: Pleasure & Pain

Live Day: Saturday 14 December 10:00-17:00

Monday 6 January 19:00 - 20:30 (Online)

Phase 3: Inside & Outside

Live Day: Saturday 25 January 10:00-17:00

Monday 10 February 19:00 - 20:30 (Online)

Phase 4: Life & Flow

Live Day: Saturday 1 Maart 10:00-17:00

Monday 17 Maart 19:00 - 20:30 (Online)

Phase 5:  Integration & Celebration

Live Day: Saturday 5 April 10:00-17:00

Wednesday 16 April 19:00 - 20:30 (Online)


The Live days will be in Amsterdam center and in Baarn.
You can have a look at the location in Baarn here
All the other session are on Zoom
What do you get
  • 3 Live face-to-face days.

  • 12 Live Online sessions + Recordings

  • Invitation and strong recommendation to practice at home for 5 min till 1 hour a day.

  • You will receive audio and video classes and meditations.

  • We will create a telegram/signal/whatsapp group where I'll be available for questions and support through out our whole journey together.

  • The support of the group of woman (which is in my experience is super valuable

  • Assistants who are available during the sessions for emotional support offering their empathic presence.

€ 750 - € 1500 (The price is depending on free will and income). After registration you are asked to make a prepayment of € 500 to ensure your place at the end of the Deep Dive you can choose your final contribution between € 250- € 1000.

If you can not pay the full amount in 1 time, that is not a problem, I am very flexible with payment plans, please contact me with any questions or requests.


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